by Gordon Curry/Newsroom Ink

Ewell Smith, executive director of the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board, immediately realized the importance of the executive bio page and had one done for key members of his staff.
Click on the corporate link for most executives. What do you come up with?
More often than not, it’s a short bio and head shot – offering the perfunctory and staid, one-dimensional profile.
Now, imagine a sharp, online news magazine format featuring executive viewpoints, media stories, FORTUNE 500 photography and video interviews that bring an executive’s brand to life. Everything the executive wants you to know about his or her personal brand is there – all in one place.
“Our goal was to break the stranglehold of traditional PR tactics and tell the executive’s story in a more engaging way,” said Ed Lallo, founder of Newsroom Ink. “By packaging that story within an integrated, online news format, the web’s the limit as to what you can do.”
This multi-dimensional approach offers tailor-made possibilities for profiling executives, working in tandem with social media and traditional PR channels to draw in those interested to a fuller view.
“It’s about content and packaging,” said Springfield Lewis, who developed Newsroom Ink’s Executive Positioning Website. “Essentially, we build a microsite around the executive. But it’s not just a container to fill with everything in sight. It’s all carefully orchestrated – from the copy to the photos to the actual content featured – for maximum impact.”
There’s no doubt some executives – because of the organizations they run – stand to capture more media attention and public exposure than others. With the right eye, expert storytelling and thoughtful positioning, executives can create a brand of their own – rising to even greater industry prominence.

“The team at Newsroom Ink interpreted my personal brand in a dynamic way that clearly says who I am as a professional. It’s now part of my email signature, LinkedIn profile and is on our company website,” said Kathy Leonard. Photo: Ed Lallo/Newsroom Ink
“Personal branding is more important today than ever before,” said Kathy Leonard, president and co-founder of Freeman+Leonard, a marketing services agency. “One’s brand not only impacts the ability to be positioned for career success, it also affects the ability to recruit top talent.
“The team at Newsroom Ink interpreted my personal brand in a dynamic way that clearly says who I am as a professional. It’s now part of my email signature, LinkedIn profile and is on our company website. It has helped to quickly establish credibility, for myself personally and for my company, with new clients and with job candidates.”
So, why wait for that invitation to important interviews or speaking engagements, when you can engage target audiences now, creating demand and increased visibility for your executive and company?
Executives can start telling their stories now in their own prime-time, business forum. These stories can be repackaged for other communications channels and form the basis of relevant conversations in the “chatosphere.”
Newsroom Ink’s Executive Positioning Page gives structure to once-scattered leader news and thoughts. It produces a complete picture, generating much more interest than any corporate head shot or bio ever could.
- Kathy Leonard’s Executive Bio
- Ewell Smith’s Executive Bio
- Kristin McLaren’s Executive Bio
- Ashley Roth’s Executive Bio
For more information on Newsroom Ink’s Executive Positioning Page contact Springfield Lewis at