Executive Positioning
Telling the Executive Story in One Place

More often than not, it’s a short bio and a head shot – offering only a one-dimensional executive view.
Search Google for almost any corporate executive and what do you come up with?
More often than not, your first hit is a short bio and a head shot – offering only a one-dimensional executive view.
That executive, however, didn’t get to where he or she is at today by just being one dimensional. Continuing your serarch you’ll probably come up with related links, which feature that executive’s expertise.
We ask: Why do you need to hunt for that information in the first place?
Why not: Capitalize on all of it in one place. Package it as an integrated news magazine to tell a more engaging executive story. Like baseball great Dizzy Dean said: “It ain’t bragging if you can do it.”
Besides, it probably will generate interest. It might even stop your executives from asking why aren’t positioned correctly to receive important interviews or speaking engagements?
Developed by Springfield Lewis, Newsroom Ink’s Executive Positioning Page gives structure to once-scattered leader news and thoughts. It creates a complete picture, which is much more interesting than any corporate head shot.
“Executive Positioning” profile for Kathy Leonard, President and Co-founder of Freeman+Leonard