by Newsroom Ink staff
Facebook is getting a lot of publicity lately, and not all good. The Bulldog Reporter’s Daily’Dog features Newsroom Inks vice president of strategic communication Springfield Lewis, and founder Ed Lallo’s article -Facebook: Not the Place For the Public Face Of a Company’s PR Strategy -in PR Opinion and Issues section.
Lewis, former worldwide director of communications for both EDS and Harris corporations, is a recognized industry leader in executive and strategic communications. As former founding partners of The News Group Net, Lewis and Lallo along with David Henderson, created the first dynamic online newsroom for Imperial Sugar in 2009.
Initially designed as a crisis communications tool to give a new voice to a company suffering from a crisis that killed 14-employees, the online newsroom quickly evolved into the perfect content engine for the social media age. As a B2B tool, research found that it reaches employees, customers (potential and current), stakeholders, competitors and industry thought leaders.
At Newsroom Ink, Lewis and Lallo have taken the corporate conversation to the next level.
Lewis, an IABC Gold Quill winner for developing storytelling as a measurable marketing tool while worldwide director of communications at EDS, has developed a proprietary “roadmap” of how to tie the CEO/executive agenda to the marketing needs of the company, and use the online newsroom as the content engine that drives the messages.
The newsroom works for companies of all sizes, and across multi-industries. It is the perfect platform for political campaigns, as well as non-profits needing a new marketing tool for fundraising.
Most importantly, the online newsroom is the tool to bring social media into the C-Suite. As a safe, reliable and measurable social media content engine, the editorial calendar of the newsroom is tied to the corporate agenda, in a language executives understand – something Facebook, Twitter, Google + cannot achieve.
Read Bulldog Reporter’s Daily’Dog article.