Tag: Springfield Lewsis

Brand Journalism and Newsroom Ink Included in Chat Republic

Brand Journalism and Newsroom Ink Included in Chat Republic

by / Newsroom Ink on 06/10/2013

In a new book by Angelo Fernando, Chat Republic explores the tools of social media and how corporations, publications, activists and citizen journalists use them to convey their messages.

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Symantec’s Study Confirms Newsroom Ink’s Security Issues With Social Media

Symantec’s Study Confirms Newsroom Ink’s Security Issues With Social Media

by / Newsroom Ink on 07/28/2011

Recent findings have revealed the pervasive spread of social media within companies, and both the companies and their IT departments have good reason to be worried about potential risks. A company experiences an average of nine social media incidents a year, such as employees publicly posting confidential information. More than 90 percent of these companies suffer negative consequences that include damage to their reputations, loss of customer trust, data loss and lost revenue.

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